Being Real With Our Faith In A Godless Society

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We are living in challenging times for those who still hold to traditional family values and godly morals. These very things we hold dear are under attack and being stripped away from us by liberal politicians and the perverse society we live in. I believe the dead prophet is an opportunity to reach out to fellow believers and discuss the real issues we are facing in both society and in the church. So many churches are selling out their faith to the secular culture. We only are focusing on the “love” of God rather than also talking about His righteousness, holiness, and justice, and working on how we are to model our lives after Christ.


When You Disagree with Cancel Culture... This is What Happens!


When you disagree with the cancel culture… this is what happens!

It is a sad day for those of us who choose to not “believe” in gay marriage, but rather choose to believe that a marriage is between one male (gender determined at birth) and one female (gender determined at birth), as scripture teaches. While I have never allowed my Facebook or other social media pages to list any personal affiliations (like the church I attend, the schools I graduated from, or the jobs I worked or work at), It is still a shame when someone stands for their religious principles for what define a marriage to them, and is then given an option to be fired or quietly leave (quit). Just thought I would also note, if he is unionized that is an illegal practice that needs to be addressed as well!

I find it a bit of a double standard in our society, that we should be tolerant of all peoples and their choices and lifestyles, while as long as you don’t challenge them, you are fine. But as soon as someone decides to stand for their “absolute truth” while holding to a biblical worldview it is no longer accepted as tolerant. I really hope this officer uses the courts system and fights for his rights through the use of the First Amendment, “The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It also protects a persons right to believe what they want as long as it does not harm someone and I am not referring to harming your feelings. I could see if the officer said a threatening statement, like “the only good gay person is a dead one” or something that would be deemed as hate speech. The things that places, like the Westboro Baptist Church’s say and post- that is unacceptable hatred. Saying that you do not believe in gay marriage and believe marriage as the Bible teaches, that is a philosophical and personal belief system, you can have it according to the First Amendment. .

I often wonder when the left will actually grow up and act like citizens who can contribute change to our society, instead of continually being the ones to cause division and hatred. When will we stop caring and acting like children when someone disagrees with another persons philosophy or point-of-view? Just because I “offended” you or said something “you do not like” does not make me someone full of hatred or a “nonconformist.” Just because Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin- Yep I said it- a sin! Does not mean I am full of hate. Absolutely not! I have many family members and friends I know who are gay. While I do not agree or believe their lifestyle choices are acceptable in the sight of God; neither is gossip, cohabitation, sex outside of a marriage covenant, lust, greed, slander, stealing, and murder, just to name a few. I feel believers have a right (inalienable rights Life, liberty & property), stressing liberty of course. We have a right to threaten or punish people who do hold to biblical truths.

What has happened to tis officer is not just for the cause! It is not appropriate and the police department should be held accountable. The reality I feel is the only way we as believer’s are going to continue in our freedoms is to have an all out revolution with the left and demand, using the courts, that we can believe in family values, godly principles, and a Savior who is able to change our lives from the sins we commit and save us unto Himself. We need to wake-up America and see that our Christian liberties are being stripped away by a leftist agenda that will stop at nothing- We need to let them know, we will not be shaken, we will not be moved!

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