Being Real With Our Faith In A Godless Society

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We are living in challenging times for those who still hold to traditional family values and godly morals. These very things we hold dear are under attack and being stripped away from us by liberal politicians and the perverse society we live in. I believe the dead prophet is an opportunity to reach out to fellow believers and discuss the real issues we are facing in both society and in the church. So many churches are selling out their faith to the secular culture. We only are focusing on the “love” of God rather than also talking about His righteousness, holiness, and justice, and working on how we are to model our lives after Christ.


The Gender Crisis… and It Isn’t Getting Any Better.


The Gender Crisis… and it isn’t getting any better.

“So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27. This is a verse that for the most part is ignored in our society today. Not only is it ignored, but gender is all but being erased in our culture. Over the past couple years, we have had to deal with transgendered individuals feeling they should be able to compete in the sports arena based off on the gender they feel they are. Totally disregarding their true biological make-up and determining for themselves that they are now a different gender than given biologically at birth, therefore, all of society must cater to their “newly prescribed identity.” This is not only foolishness, but wrong. Jesus Christ himself stated in Mark 10:6, “but from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Again, in Matthew 19:4 Jesus says, “have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female.” Or thousands of years in human society we have recognized a species that has two types of people. There are women and there are men. It is not only those who have a religious code of morals that directs them, but science too has shared this same understanding based of the biological differences between the two sexes.  Even Richard Dawkins, a former scientist who was clearly an atheist, who believed that if you believe in God, it makes one weak, can argue that we only have two genders biologically determined at birth: male and female. In fact, when a female transfers to becoming male. The chromosomal make-up for a female does not change, regardless the physical changes made to the body.

Yet over the past several years there has been a perversion in our culture by Satan himself, and the liberal left has completely embraced the erasing away of gender, convincing our society that there isn’t really gender and that gender is fluid. You can be whatever you want, whenever you want. It is even insulting, to the staunch patriot, that we include “gender choice” as a civil right for individuals. But in our land today, in our American society, we are removing gender to appease those few who feel gender identity in the confines of biological sex are offensive. God makes it very clear in His Word, that there are two biological sexes, and so does science. However, because we have individuals who can choose from anywhere from seventy-four to one hundred and fourteen different genders they want to identify with, we as a people in this country must oblige. Submit to this foolishness or be run over by the political train of liberalism. To go one step further we have legislature in this country who are trying to pass into law, laws that would charge parents with child abuse, if you did not allow your five or six-year-old daughter to get a sex change because she identifies as a boy. This is happening currently in California. Not only that we have a Deputy Secretary of Health who is not only a transgendered female but refuses to respond to any answers when questioned on transgenderism in children, that go against the liberal agenda. To put the icing on the cake, we have “sanctuary cities, as we do for illegal immigrants, for those who want to bring their child to their city for a medical sex change procedure. You know what should happen, as one of the guests on the dead prophet show alluded to, these politicians should be arrested for not upholding the Constitution they swore to uphold. Were not talking about racism and prejudice based off of the color of your skin, we are talking about something that goes not only against humanity and God, but science.  How can a child of five years old have enough cognitive brain power to determine for themselves that they are the wrong gender? How is t that parents are responsible for their children until they are legally 18, most of the time up until they are 23 years old, not be able to make decisions for their children, or not be told of decisions their children made about their own sexuality? It frustrates me to no end that a school district can take a 14 year old girl to get an abortion during school hours and by law, not have to tell the parents. No one should have that much control over our own children!

We live in a culture that is warped and has a distorted view of sex. We also live in a culture that is all about Me, Myself, and I. We live in a culture where people in this LGBTQIA+ community seem to continually want affirmation from everyone in society. I was watching a Ben Shapiro speech, where there as a transgendered male who now identified as a female. It is obvious just by one glance he is a male. But he said at least a half a dozen times and listed people who affirmed him being a female. While that is great for this individual, Ben Shapiro was not going to agree. Obviously, the transgendered individual was offended. I find it interesting that those who are a part of this subculture, feel they have to push on to other people who they are. There is almost a sense of they know what they are doing is wrong, but they want to be justified in this sin and wrong lifestyle by getting so many people who will buy into their foolishness and affirm them. This subculture that exists in America is not only taunting its sinfulness to society, but it has also infiltrated the church.  

How has this infiltrated the church? Well, let’s take a recent look at the split in the United Methodist Church. For starters, this denomination is openly ordaining homosexual and transgendered ministers and bishops. There are many other doctrinal issues, but the homosexual/ transgender card was the political one played by UMC leaders. They are not the only Christian organization to do so, we see that the Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Presbyterian churches have been doing so for many years. There is this idea, that because Jesus is love, we must accept those who live in sin. While that may be true, the acceptance goes beyond loving them, it goes to the level of affirming their lifestyle. Allowing that lifestyle to be acceptable in the church. In addition, churches that do this move away from using words or phrases like, “biblical marriage,” “biblical standard,” “Sin,” “male and female.” Just to name a few. It has even caused our Christian camps to compromise core biblical teaching.

One of the people I just interviewed for an upcoming show, had to make a choice to stand for her faith according to scripture or compromise allowing an acceptance towards LGBTQIA+ persons who “come out” at camp. With her as co counselors was a transgendered female and a homosexual female. In addition, this particular camp has plans to build non-binary dorms for those campers who identify as whatever sex they choose. One of the training documents said “We cherish core values of mutual hospitality and genuine community. We welcome all people regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation. All perspectives and experiences are important and contribute to the breadth and depth of a Christ centered community.” While, yes, we need to show them the love of Christ, we do have a biblical obligation to warn them of the sin, they are living in. This is not hatred, this is not “hate speech” this is loving as Christ loved. He didn’t say “I love you, so keep on living in your sinful lifestyle,” No he said, “go and sin no more.”

It would be one thing if this transgender movement was focused on just wanting to be the opposite sex. But it goes much further than that. In a school district about a half-an-hour away from me, they have students who identify as cats. Yes, that is what I said…. Cats! Not only do they identify as cats, but the school district put litter boxes for these students in the public restrooms so they could use them. In protest, the janitors, who would have had to clean these litter boxes, locked all the bathrooms that the litter boxes were put in. as an act of protest, these “furries” as they are called, would roll up toilet paper in the corners of the bathrooms and go on that. This is NOT normal! Public schools are not a place where you can come to and identify as something other than male or female. It is not the public school’s job to reinforce your child’s illness. It is the parent’s job to step up a little and get the children the help they need. Enabling these behaviors is not the answer. Addressing them is. Calling it sin is what we need to be doing. What we are doing is erasing gender in our schools and confusing this generation on if not biblical truths, scientific fact.

Recently in the State of New Jersey, they are doing just that, erasing gender. Here is a summary of what is in the article. “When it comes to education in New Jersey, it looks like “female and male” are out and gender-neutral terms are in. The New Jersey State Board of Education [NJSBE] adopted an equity policy that reportedly makes the changes,” Joshua Nelson writes.  The NJ Managing For [Equality and] Equity in Education policy [NJAC 6A:7] sets out to ensure any student regardless of race, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or are provided equal “access to educational activities and programs [and services] by district boards of education.” According to the policy, equity is defined as “all [groups of] students have the opportunity to master the goals of the curriculum [to approximately the same degree] in an educational environment that is fair, just, and impartial to all individuals.” Furthermore, the NJSBE defines gender identity or expression as “having or being perceived as having a gender-related identity or expression whether or not stereotypically associated with a person’s assigned sex at birth.” The commenter argued further that the deletion of “gender” removes girls and young women as a protected class and threatens the rights of biological girls, especially pertaining to educational opportunities.[i]

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we have a crisis in this country. We have an all-out attack against not only biblical truths of gender, but even scientific facts in gender. Most of the liberals who embrace this gender fluidity, don’t even know how define gender. The reality is “So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27. the words male and female here not only reference biology, but also the man “ness” and female “ness.” In this we can clearly see that they were created physically diverse in order to accomplish God’s mandate to multiply. As believers we need to continue to stand against those who continue to push their liberal “gender agenda” our way. We do not have to be forced into calling individuals by their “chosen gender” we do not have to surrender the white flag. We can use the Constitution and the laws that protect us as religious people to fight this absurdity. In an upcoming show, I interviewed an individual who will share a little more on Title VII and how the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can also protect us from having to give in to the acceptance of everyone else’s diversity, unless you are a Christian. Enough is enough! It is about time we as Christians stand up against the attacks on gender, marriage, and other biblical principles.


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